Implement the new processes

“It is change, continuing change, inevitable change, that is the dominant factor in society today. No sensible decision can be made any longer without taking into account not only the world as it is, but the world as it will be.” – Isaac Asimov

ERP software can lead a radical, and successful, business process reorganization within your company, but only if you fully commit to the change. Utilize change management best practices and the help of super users to ease employees into the new processes, but don’t let hesitation or pushback slow down the process. You’re restructuring everything for a reason—don’t let broken processes survive simply because they are convenient or they are simply the way things have been done for as long as employees remember. While some systems may stick around because they truly work, others may just be slowing you down and getting more inefficient as they get older. By realigning expectations for how workflows should be run within a business and how work creates the necessary outcomes will kick start the change your business needs.

Many organizations focus on the physical and logistical changes needed when transforming their workplace. Afterwards, they realize they should have focused much more on the culture change needed for success. The impact of change on people can be significant, and managing this is a crucial step to reaping the benefits of these programs. Good change practices include:

Role model the change. Ensure your leaders are involved and role modelling the behaviour needed in the new environment. Save the negative commentary for the boardroom or better yet, talk it through with the consultant and formulate a plan on how to resolve the issue causing the negativity.

Define new behaviours for success. If you make it clear to your team the behaviour that is expected, they will have a better time knowing what to aim for. 

Provide training necessary to be proficient in the new process and systems. Communicate the vision and progress of the change on a regular basis – even if it’s not 100% clear. Uncertainty can be more stressful that the change itself! 

Provide practical and emotional support throughout the change period. Expect people to respond differently. Early on, recognize people for the right attitudes and behaviours, and continue to do this throughout the first month or two. Encourage conversations where the focus is on resolution of a challenge, not just complaining about an issue.